Evolving From Virtualization

Virtualization is a process that allows for more efficient utilization of physical computer hardware and is the foundation of cloud computing.

AWS Fargate – 101

AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate is a service that provisions serverless compute resources to run AWS ECS and EKS containers.

Smart Factory

Smart Factory

A smart factory is the ultimate digital transformation of a manufacturing ecosystem. Smart factories integrate AI, ML, Analytics and RPA to build a well connected and automated production system.

Digital Twins 101

Digital Twins 101

Digital Twins are one of the trendiest technology benefiting manufacturing, supply chain, healthcare, real estate and pharmaceutical industries in their path to digital transformation.

Types of API Architecture

API Architecture

This infographic compares the four main types of API architectures REST, SOAP, GraphQL and gRPC. Each type of API architecture have their own advantages and disadvantages.

React vs Angular

React Vs Angular

React JS is a library developed by Facebook whereas Angular is a complete framework built and supported by Google.

Flutter vs React Native

React Native and Google developed Flutter in capturing the attention of developer community and the mobile app development industry as a whole.