Role of QA in Software Development Life Cycle

Role of Quality Testing in Software Development Lifecycle to build and maintain performant and error free applications and systems.
How to Build an MVP?

The concept of MVP is prototype a lean version of an upcoming product to test the consumer response and build a user journey around it.
Flutter vs React Native

React Native and Google developed Flutter in capturing the attention of developer community and the mobile app development industry as a whole.
How Mobile Apps Are Transforming Healthcare?

Healthcare mobile apps are increasing connectivity , managing data, and improving experience between doctors, professionals and patients.
Mobile Apps in Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is powered by advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, IoT, and Smart Factories that drive on real-time data
3 Key Indicators for retailers and online stores to integrate a mobile app strategy

he retail industry is known to capitalize and adopt the latest innovation trends. While an online store still generates sales, retailers can no longer afford to ignore a mobile strategy.
7 Advantages Of Choosing An Offshore Development Team

An offshore development team is a cost effective solution to building an efficient product development team and reduce cost of product development.
Inventory Management in the Digital Age

Key technologies play a vital role in digital inventory management, capturing data and optimizing the supply chain for effective organization.
Native Apps vs Hybrid Apps vs PWAs: The right app development approach for your business.

Difference between Native apps vs Hybrid apps vs progressive web apps. It is rare to find a mobile app development enthusiast who has not come across or made a wrong decision because of being tangled in the mesh that the world of technical mobility experts has been seeing. A mesh that is also called — difference between Native vs Hybrid vs progressive Web apps
Mobile App Development Roadmap

Mobile app development roadmap adding features like in-app communication, push notification and track performance of app with proper conversion tracking.