Robotic Process Automation

Deploy software robots as your next generation workforce

Accelerate Digital Transformation with Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) leverages rule-based software to build intelligent bots that can interact with any system or application to perform repetitive digital tasks like filling in forms, moving files, and scraping web data. This in turn frees up the actual workforce to concentrate on more complex work and accelerate workspace digital transformation.

robotic process automation introduction

Benefits of RPA

Gleecus TechLabs Inc., offers RPA solutions to integrate with existing business applications that automates repetitive, rule-based tasks using software robots to mimic human interaction. RPAs help magnify productivity at an organization and derive greater ROI from employee investment.

Accelerated Digital Transformation

63% global decision makers claims it to be a major component of digital transformation

Reduced Cost

RPA helps in cost reduction through various factors like shorter delivery time, low TCO, and fast onboarding

Increased Productivity

RPA frees up employees to focus on decision-making and creative tasks leading to greater productivity

Improved Compliance

93% C-suite leaders using RPA agrees RPA improves compliance

Reduced FTE

RPA helps in reducing FTE significantly by eliminating manual participation

Reduced Error

70% reduction in process errors by eliminating manual tasks

Enhanced Flexibility

70% of businesses using RPA have seen increased flexibility in their processes

Improved Collaboration

75% of businesses using RPA have seen improvements in collaboration between departments

Our Services

At Gleecus TechLabs we follow a platform agnostic approach to build RPA solutions on AWS, Azure, or other preferred environments offering implementation of RPA tools from leading RPA solutions providers like UiPath, Automation Anywhere. Our deliverables includes,

Advisory Services

  • Process and Platform Assessments
  • Business Case Preparation
  • Process Validations and Triage Services
  • SoP Creation
  • Automation Requirement Capture

Pilot and PoCs

  • Proof of Concept Creation
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • RPA Pilot
  • RPA Roadmap Creation
  • Automation CoE Setup 

RPA Delivery

  • Automation Scripting
  • Robot Training
  • Testing
  • Deployment
  • Enhancements
  • Project Management 

Bot Support

  • Level – 1 Support
  • Level – 2 Support
  • Bot Maintenance, Monitoring, Health Check, and Release Management

Our RPA Strategy & Process

Our RPA Strategy & Process

Planning to automate your repetitive rule-based tasks with RPA?

Trusted by global companies

Why Choose Gleecus for Robotic Process Automation solutions?

Industry Leading Partnerships

We seamlessly integrate with a variety of ecosystem partners and platforms to enable greater flexibility and speed to market. 

Recognitions & Awards

Recognized as one of 10 Most Promising AWS Partners, 2024

CIO Review says we are one of the Top 10 Digital Transformation Solution Providers in 2022.

Goodfirms featured an exclusive interview with our CEO – Mr. Suprit Patra

We were featured in the Insights Success magazine with an exclusive interview of our CEO

Let's Build the Future Together!

We believe in partnering with organizations to help them discover the power of technology by unlocking their true digital potential.


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